Ruby Regex Tips (Special global variables)

2018, May 15    

Special global variables

Pattern matching sets some global variables :

  • $~ is equivalent to ::last_match;
  • $& contains the complete matched text;
  • $` contains string before match;
  • $' contains string after match;
  • $1, $2 and so on contain text matching first, second, etc capture group;
  • $+ contains last capture group.


m = /s(\w{2}).*(c)/.match('haystack') #=> #<MatchData "stac" 1:"ta" 2:"c">
$~                                    #=> #<MatchData "stac" 1:"ta" 2:"c">
Regexp.last_match                     #=> #<MatchData "stac" 1:"ta" 2:"c">

$&      #=> "stac"
        # same as m[0]
$`      #=> "hay"
        # same as m.pre_match
$'      #=> "k"
        # same as m.post_match
$1      #=> "ta"
        # same as m[1]
$2      #=> "c"
        # same as m[2]
$3      #=> nil
        # no third group in pattern
$+      #=> "c"
        # same as m[-1]

These global variables are thread-local and method-local variables.